How powerful are your prayers?
Let us focus our energies to help relieve the pain and suffering for people all around the planet, but particularly to help the countless numbers of homeless and suffering people in the Dafur region of the Sudan who are struggling to stay alive. Let us also send our prayers to the people of the Philippines islands,and southern Malaysia who received the brunt of unusual rainfall, snow and ongoing typhoons. Let us hold these regions in our visualizations and our prayers as we affirm:
‘O Divine One –may the power of Your Holy Names conduct Your help to brothers and sisters in these parts of the world that I am now visualizing. I place this meditation and prayer for these people to go beyond the duality of this world of suffering. I hold them in perfect life and perfect renewal.
My prayers are for all beings to receive from the power of Your Light, the attainment of inner peace and the strength needed for physical, emotional, mental and spiritual survival at this time of change. May your Supreme Love renew the powers of Grace in their lives as I visualize them, bringing forth your spontaneous Presence of Healing Light.
Amen, Amen, Amen and Amen.
In sending forth energies of protection and powers of healing let us see the regenesis already taking place in these regions. In the changing world of conflict it’s good to remember that everyone’s mind-set is needed to bring protection to targeted areas, and that no one’s energy is insignificant. It is important to softly focus our prayers and meditations so that we will not be emotionally trapped in the negativity that is taking place. If we choose to use mantras to assist us, use a variety of sacred expressions to help to more fully awaken your creative side of the Language of Light that opens up the heavens above.