The understanding of the energy physics behind how the universe functions is the key to harnessing free and abundant energy. When we can break the code behind this dynamic, renewing universe, it will open a realm of remarkable energy interdependence from the oceans of the world to the stars of the heavens. Everyone knows that, within the next fifty years, fossil fuels will begin to run out and we shall be forced to adopt alternative sources of energy. Despite the urgency, the proposed target of attributing a 10% market share to renewable energies was still rejected by governments at the UN World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg last September (2002).
Over the last century, we have engineered an artificial world for ourselves, to the point where more and more of the natural landscape is of our own making, and less and less of our living environment is pristine and renewable. The temptation has always been to engineer an artificial world rather than to respect the boundaries of the natural one. The realities of a new physics and a new environmental science requires a new ontology which takes into account the interdependence of all things.
Instead of considering our planet as a series of interdependent systems, we must see the whole model. We forget that the atmosphere, land and oceans are three sides of the same triangle, that what we do to one will affect the other two. I do believe we are making progress — physics, chemistry, biology and acoustics are being integrated into a single conceptual model to deal with planetary processes as we merge into the discovery of new realities in our universe. But there is still a long way to go.
We must be willing, positive participants in the future evolution of all species, including humankind, upon planet Earth. Man must come down from his throne and realize that his future is coextensive with the future of all species. Instead of functioning as a reluctant caretaker, it is time for humanity to change its beliefs and understand that we are a species amongst many that desires survival not at the expense of but in concert with the other life forms of our planet and in the cosmic ocean. We need a new humility.
An alternative to our object-orientated physics is the opening to an inner communication system with the Divine reality behind the physical universe, with consideration of other species in the universe. We need to be receptive to interspecies communication and understand the words of the prophet Daniel who spoke of the “speeding up of knowledge” and “being numbered with the stars of intelligence.”
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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