“Who am I?” is the most essential and comprehensive question for everyone seeking self_realization. It also brings us to basic questions about the nature of mind. One of the fundamental assertions of the ancient mystery texts is that the true knower of Life is not the mind. The true knower is calledPurusha in the Sanskrit, and Noetic in the Greek. This knower knows through the mind, not with the mind.
In a multi_level reality structure, the mind can also operate as future mind, reaching Universal Intelligence and allowing for an understanding of the detailed working of the cosmos. In this larger reality, the Universe can be defined by expert calculation, for we are not distinct from the reality around us. We can gain certainty about the nature and validity of what we know about the cosmos, without having some transcendental experience. The limitation of a language and a logic system truncates our experience from the underlying multiplicity of life.
The enhancement of consciousness flow—here, below, immanently, transcendentally, cosmically—begins with the awakening of conscience in the soul. That is, we must first develop an appreciation of the many levels of consciousness organization required to have many perspectives at once! The nuance can be confusing; in fact, in many languages, such as Spanish, French and Sanskrit, the word for both conscience and consciousness is the same. This fact alone should alert us to the limitations we face in our language systems in discussing what is required for an intimate connection with the dynamics of spiritual experience.
The increasing disenchantment of many Westerners with prevailing materialist_reductionist philosophies, coupled with a growing interest in techniques for mind development such as meditation and creative visualization, has meant that many thinkers are seeking an understanding of new mind, not as a by_product of bio_mechanistic processes, but mind as a product of consciousness itself. The mathematical spell in the logic of scientific discovery has been broken by a greater discovery that knowledge and certainty are impossible without consciousness linkage of minds (plural)!
In the new event horizon, the mathematical style of thinking will be de_contextualized and the true Kaballah of a “spirit” discovering its pre_existence and dwelling in many places will be understood. The freedom of the Spirit and the Mind will be liberated to both “see” and “know” the heavens face_to_face. It was the prophet Daniel who prepared us for this time with the words of chapter 12: “And the ones having insights will shine like the brightness of the expanse; … and the true knowledge will become abundant” and righteous humanity will be “numbered with the thinking stars of higher intelligence.”
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.

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