Consciousness is the awareness of existence constructed of sensations and thoughts (both within and without) that we incorporate to create life as we know it! For some it is merely the awareness that arises from one’s five sense perceptions insofar as the body is an object of sense recognition. However, consciousness and even the origin of many of our thoughts are from beyond the body’s five senses. It is also directly linked with what many have called the “sixth sense,” which is a simple way of saying that we are biotranducers of thoughts and energy existing within a greater “consciousness” field.
In this world of new scientific discovery the study of “remote viewing” has shown how consciousness and the power of the mind work together and allow our thoughts to experience an extension beyond the five senses, even into distant regions and foreign countries. Experiments have also shown that the same open awareness works on “future time”—time precognitions that are 1-2 weeks away can be “remote viewed.” In fact, considering scientific discoveries, it can be argued that the scientific confirmation of the power of remote viewing further coincides with the findings of “nonlocality” in quantum physics. These two discoveries may be some of the greatest confirmations of the last century. They may be just as important as the splitting of the atom!
In the ancient Sanskrit texts, some of the oldest literature on the planet, the Vedas, spoke about similar realities to nonlocality of how we have the means for experiencing the Self that is omnipresent. They spoke of how we are able to realize thoughts that did not originate with us and how we can know profound things of the universe and beyond.
Nevertheless, in order that knowledge may be turned into the immediate experience of higher consciousness, there must be an awakening or understanding that leads to self-experience or self-realization. This is really just an awareness of the complete realm of consciousness, beyond the five senses of the body. It comes through a sense of calmness, of quieting the rational mind. The modern thinker, Dr. Elizabeth Rauscher, has tackled the problem of duality in the Western sciences by illustrating that the new physics reveals the basic understanding of universality: not that there are no parts, but there are no truly isolated entities or parts. Through this we understand the concept that “The Mind of Man will be moved off the spatial dimension…(Keys of Enoch® 112:26)” and awaken itself as an active part of the House of Many Mansions.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D.
Spring 2013, Series7 Volume 2
The Role of Consciousness in Modern Physics
Elizabeth A. Rauscher, Ph.D.
Consciousness Awareness and The Near Death Experience
J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D. and Desiree Hurtak, Ph.D.

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