Hieronder vindt u de meest recente jaarbrief van Dr. J.J.Hurtak. Daaronder staat een lijst met toegang tot alle voorgaande jaarbrieven. De Nieuwjaarsboodschap voor 2019 staat onder de Kerstboodschap 2018.
Kerstboodschap drs. Hurtak 2018
December 2018 Dear Friends and Family of the Academy — where we recently taught the Word and walked amongst historic ruins. Life is vastly accelerating! We are all feeling the changes, including the chaos. Should we just wait for Divine Intervention — and if it comes, what changes will take place in our physical reality? Are people ready to leave behind their cultural and philosophical rivalries? Many remain in doubt, seeing only an end to life as we go through more deadly cataclysms and cross-cultural tragedies, while others await more evidence of other worldly realities, even life on other planets, and possibly other universes. There is one way to resolve all these questions: Turn to the Sacred Teachings, as revealed in the Word of God in its original languages and be guided to its many levels of meaning as suggested by The Keys of Enoch® in opening the ‘energy fields’ of higher Knowledge. This Knowledge reveals the true nature of the Divine as our blueprint within the evolution of Life, that is within reach of each of us to acquire and use as a guideline for serving the Divine purpose of YHWH and experiencing the Presence of the Christ. For those who can experience some aspect of the Divine in their lives, these are some of the great- est moments in human history, providing opportunities for new growth. We can look around and see the enormous variety of Life spread out on every scale of creation from the atom to the Adam Kadmon. We are leaning also that Earth is a very important schoolhouse. We need to make the right decisions so that we can move ahead and not be idle dwellers in our limited and critical mental scenarios. Our Faith can make us strong and resourceful in all scenarios. Large conferences have been held this past year through- out the world beginning with announcements by former government personnel and information special- ists on December 16, 2017 regarding the Contact story (on “close encounters”). The Coming Planetary Changes and Government Disclosures — on the Cosmic Who’s Who and ‘intervention’— require each of us to maintain our mental and emotional balance and continue to reflect deeply upon the role of Christ Jesus as the Wayshower in our lives. To meet the challenge in understanding present and past questions on the origin of life in the uni- verse, we have been consultants to several documentaries. We have been on Gaia’s Beyond Belief with George Noory and other releases from Gaia, such as Great Minds. In 2019, we hope they will sponsor the video Feel with numerous other speakers (we will have some DVD copies available as well). Additionally, many of you have seen the “Calling All Earthlings” film on the life of George Van Tassel that we partici- pated in. This past year, we also spoke at the Parliament of the World’s Religions in Toronto, which was well attended by our Toronto Academy friends and family. We also saw the debut of two new books, one of which is Enoch Key 403 (“Thou shall be the Name”) on the amazing code demonstrating the interwoven Divine Names of YAH, as revealed in the Holy Scriptures. This book further reveals the importance of our own energy body as we use these affirmations as a daily personal song of prayer. The second is our expe- ditionary manuscript, Giza’s Industrial Complex, which is a look at our archaeological work with our associ- ate, explorer James Brown, and our own work with Boris Said and others in Egypt over the last forty years. Both books are very important in understanding the linguistic and historical insights that are part of our legacy and should be available by late January 2019. |
The next Keys of Enoch® and Metatron (Key 404) will introduce us to The Kingdom of God as it applies to all basic changes going on in our body and in the world around us, with the power of the Spirit extending throughout the multiple universes. The Kingdom of God is the full experience of Higher Worlds set in motion as an expression of Divine Grace, conveying levels of divinity to all Life. In this multi-dimensional design of the Heavens, both physical and non-physical spiritual insights provide simultaneously complexity and simplicity, through the sacred geometries of Life. We will delve into this book in the USA at our Easter 2019 seminar, at Pen- tecost for those who live in Europe, and in Mexico for our Latin American friends.
Each Key is a ‘ladder’ upwards from the limited foundation of physics and biology to the revelation of how all must be transformed, as science moves toward understanding the universe in its interrelationship with The Higher Evolution. This revolves around the mission statement that can be vocalized as: Tikkun Olam B’mal- chut Shaddai, that is, to repair the world in the Kingdom of the Almighty, Shaddai. Within our ongoing Creation Story, that is our spiritual mission: to lead the renewal of consciousness through Divine Thought and Divine Presence. Let us be aware that the coming changes require ongoing engagement through—
1. Meditation and daily affirmations to build resilience in order to help others under stress as the changes affect each of us and we need to use “scriptural insights” to build confidence and become stronger in our Faith (Pistis). 2. Continuing to work within our official Academy “study groups” and participating in our webtalks to be part of a network of powerful prayers and music.
3. Giving positive insights to people through positive synergy used with the gifts of “remote viewing,” “remote communication,” and “remote healing” for the planet.
4. Understanding the differences between the physical ETs and the spiritual ultraterrestrials (UT) who respect the Eternal Father and the living soul-spirit (the Neshamah). The ETs did not create our human experiment, but they do influence it. The UTs/angelics will help in generating a positive psychology in preparation for a “higher trans- human” (not AI based), which is a higher spiritual Light body existence based on our Divine Image.
5. Using the wonderful music from talented artists who have worked with The Keys as a supplement for your basic spiritual food. New music this year includes Melodies of the Soul (Brazil) and Trees of Life (USA). This year Academy musician, Jocelyn Smith, composer of I Love with Greatness, was honored by the President of Germany and given the “Certificate of Merit” for her work with refugees and in teaching unity through song. All of us should also rejoice in sacred song and helping others which brings about Blessings from God and the Holy Spirit.
We also want everyone to enjoy our new books and webinars (in English the first Sunday of every month by Academy facilitators), our internet films (on youtube.com see our FutureScienceTV with our new programs with Dr. John DeSalvo) and make use of DVD recordings of conferences. A weekly inspirational thought is also available on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook (Keysofenoch group).
Our main focus this coming year, in which we need your help, is that, in addition to the publishing of Key 404, we are also working on “digitizing” all bible tapes, past and present conferences, and other teachings that have been recorded over the years. You can imagine this is a large, but important project. So please consider giving us a donation to help this project move quickly to completion. We already have several staff helping us do this key work, but it is a vast project and it needs your financial support.
Finally continue to develop the power of prayer and always rejoice in God’s Word and The Keys of Enoch® for comfort and awareness of your role in a vast and awesome universe! Be strong and take the higher path at all times. In all things, may you be blessed in the Divine Work, that you have chosen for this life. Your support of Academy work in gifts and tithing is vitally important for the new Keys to be published in the seven major lan- guages at this crucial moment in the quickening of human history. Let us rejoice in God’s Name – YHWH – as the seal and pledge of Transformation!
May you be blessed,
Drs. J.J. and Desiree Hurtak
Psalm 106:2-3; Heb. 5:13-14; 10:31-33; 2 Chronicles 6:34-42; Jude 3-4; Rom.8:16; Rev. 2:17.
www.keysofenoch.org, info@affs.org Academy For Future Science, P.O. Box 3080, Sedona, AZ 86340 copyright © 2018 Academy For Future Science, not for posting on the internet.