Europese Conferentie 2022
WITNESSING THE LIGHT Opening the Seven Chakras 04-06 June 2022, Dornbirn, Austria Dr. J.J. Hurtak, author of The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch® and Dr. Desiree Hurtak will be conducting a 3-day seminar on The Seventh Light Picture Superscript or Key 4-0-7: We Are the Living Witness of Revelation opening the seven chakras or seals through the…
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Webinar Workshops 2021
English-speaking Webinars The European Webinar calendar is published on our English-speaking homepage (click here). We are continuing our webinar schedule BI-MONTHLY ON SATURDAYS AT 11:30 AM (CET, Zurich time). Exceptions possible. Teachers of the Academy will work with you on different topics from The Keys of Enoch and other Academy publications. Meditation and the use…
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Journey to Egypt 2020
AFFS Journey to Egypt 21-29 November 2020 So much of the Keys of Enoch can only be understood in the light of the teachings and mysteries of Egypt and a much earlier archaeology that brings us into contact with a higher blueprint of life. Enoch is said to be the builder of the Great Pyramid…
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