Dear Friends:
Whether it is death from terrorism or that of natural disasters occurring in places throughout the world…
We encourage everyone, every day, to pray for peace and protection for our small planet. We ask that you offer heartfelt prayers every day for all souls, asking to protect us from any difficult times ahead. To accomplish this, we encourage you to utilize the Sacred Names in asking for continual protection for your loved ones, or those who have passed due to tragedy, and for those you do not know around the world, who also need your prayers.
Many changes will be brought to us in the coming years, and we all need to engage our spiritual gifts, not only to bring about a greater protection, but to bring solace and a release from pain to the souls of all who have been affected. The Keys of Enoch® speak of the release of large amounts of energy from the core of the planet, causing a new category of earthquakes and oceanic changes. Please join with us in critical prayers for the planet at this time.
For those who wish to coordinate their prayers may we suggest that you pray with all of us, wherever you are, at the following times in your own time zone:
9:00 AM and 9:00 PM
12:00 noon and 12:00 midnight
3:00 PM and 3:00 AM
6:00 PM and 6:00 AM
We find that if people pray at these time-grid points, not only are people covering all hours throughout the world, but many others are joining together with us simultaneously. The prayer focus should be on each passing soul’s ascension, as well as prayers for those in need of healing. Please also include the overall healing of the planet as an important part of your prayers.
— J.J. Hurtak, Ph.D., Ph.D., and Desiree Hurtak Ph.D
Many of our music CDs are a meditation with Sacred Names.Click here for inspired music.
We also encourage you to study our Bible, Intertestamental, Coptic - Gnostic and Mystical scrolls with special commentary. Click here for study materials.